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A Personal Approach

Sports Injury

Sports injuries happen. We get it. However, the healing begins almost the moment it happens!  At Paynesville Chiropractic, we work with the whole body to bring healing quickly to that injury and help make you stronger in the process.


Nutrition means something different for everyone, so with that in mind, we work with each individual to find out what their body needs to run at its absolute best. Through muscle testing your body gives signals as to what might be missing or what needs to be added to your diet.

Chronic Pain

At Paynesville Chiropractic, we hear your story and take a detailed note of your health history. From there we create an individualized treatment plan aimed at achieving the functional goals we set together.


Children are our future and our present, therefore we take a care-filled approach to meeting each child's needs. Your family matters to us too and we hope to help your's run as smoothly as it possibly can. From injury to emotional and phycological wellbeing, consistent care can help keep you and your child free from unnecessary struggles.

Work Injury

Getting hurt at work is no fun. The good news is our approach at Paynesville Chiropractic is to treat the whole body, not just an isolated injury.

Our goal? To get you back to work ASAP! We work with you to see that those improvements stick and we will be with you for the long haul.

Prenatal Care

Children in the womb can be affected by so many things and pregnancy can take its toll on Mama's body too. Part of our job is to help Mama's have an easier labor and delivery experience. We don't stop there. Care continues outside the womb too. Mama and Baby are in good hands here!

To find out specifics about any of
our services, just give us a call and
we would be happy to answer any
questions you may have!

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