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More About Paynesville Chiropractic
Serving Patients since 1994
Chiropractic care is not just for pain relief. It’s about YOUR wellness journey and YOUR life!
We are dedicated to helping you move beyond…
...beyond pain and beyond accepting less than optimal health and vitality!
We will help you onto the path of health and the path to maximizing your life and wellness plan for the future. As a patient at Paynesville Chiropractic, you will have the opportunity
to learn how to restore your health and continue enhancing your health so you can live a full and vital life. If you know you want more out of life, and know you can do the hard work to get there, then we will give you the tools to achieve it!
Our goal at Paynesville Chiropractic is to facilitate healing and restore efficient movement and comfort as quickly as possible. We achieve this through proven hands-on techniques, one-on-one therapy, individualized rehabilitation programs, nutritional sciences and targeted treatment plans designed especially for you.
"I've personally seen a woman walk into the clinic with the help of others under each arm and then walk out the door all on her own! Two weeks later that same woman was almost unrecognizable as she walked in free of torturous pain!" -Current Patient
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